Battery: Provides the energy to make electricity flow. Like the ones in flashlights or toys!
Wall Outlet: Electricity from your home's power system. Be careful - real outlets have MUCH more power than batteries!
Resistor: Controls how much electricity flows. Like a narrow part in a water pipe that slows down the flow.
Light Bulb: Uses electricity to make light. The electricity heats up a wire inside until it glows!
Switch: Turns the circuit on or off. Just like a light switch at home!
Buzzer: Makes noise when electricity flows through it. Found in doorbells and alarm clocks!
Wire: Connects components together. Electricity flows through wires like water through pipes!
Ground: The reference point for voltage. Think of it like sea level for measuring mountains!
Probe: Measures voltage or current at a specific point. Like a thermometer for electricity!
Delete: Removes components from your circuit. Oops! Made a mistake? Just delete it!
Series Circuit: Components are connected one after another in a single path. If one light bulb burns out, they all go dark!
Parallel Circuit: Components are connected across from each other with multiple paths. If one light burns out, the others stay on!